Friday, April 11, 2008

When Maya Paints Her Masterpiece

Maya stayed with her Aunt Becky and cousin Lilli just a couple of weeks ago and when we got there Lilli was painting. Maya has been wanting to "paint Mommy!" ever since then. Each time we see paints anywhere while shopping Maya gets very excited. So I decided, what the heck. They are washable right?
I don't know what I was worried about anyway. Maya is very neat with the water colors. So far, it's been pretty much mess free. You see, I haven't busted out the finger paint yet. Here is a (piss poor quality) video so you can see and hear just how excited she is about the painting.

She is so proud of herself and her paintings. I love her little toe pointing in this pic. Wonder if we have a future ballerina as well as artist on our hands?

It was a sad day last week when we took the exersaucer apart and put it away. Maya had to take one last spin. She has loved this thing since day one. But big girl toys are taking over and we really don't have the space for a tiny baby toy. Unless of course, we had a tiny baby to play with it. (Notice, I said put it away, not get rid of it.)

Then it was outside to play in the tent. We had beautiful weather this past week. Shortly after taking this picture, we had to take off Maya's pants and shoes. It ended up being in the 80s with blazing sun. Ahhhh, just what we've been waiting for.

The very next day (yesterday) was even warmer. Actually, it was hot. The car thermometer read 87. I put this little tank onesie on Maya and she rubbed her hands over her chest and belly and said, "Wanna go beach! Go Ocean! Swimmin!" I said "I wanna go to the beach too, babe!" I think she thought the onesie was a bathing suit. But I'm not real sure how she made the beach connection. Must just run in her blood just like her Momma's. She is, after all a coastal girl. Even if it is the South China Sea coast. All day today she has said, "Wanna go beach. Mommy go beach too!" I love this kid!!!

She loves her pony tails. But notice she still has to have a bow. Thank goodness she likes a bow because that hair would drive us both crazy hanging in her face. Her hair is getting really long and she loves to run her hands through it and say, "so wong". She doesn't miss a thing.

This is Maya's best stuffed bud (no pun intended;) Flower, snuggled up close with it's hand on her face. She's also holding on to her lovie. When I checked in on her before going to bed this was the scene. So I had to get the camera. Isn't that the cutest thing? That's Duckie lying at her head. He runs a close second. She has many of these Ty beanie pluffies and she loves them all.
Good night!