Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Sun Has Set on the Next Batch of Referrals

July referrals are unofficially out. We still don't know how many children or families dreams have come true. They cover LIDs June 29-July 13, 2005. 15 days, and nearly half way through July. We were really were hoping that July would be fully referred this month but as with most wishes related to this wait, they are empty. Dad used to say, wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up first. Oh how true. We'll see what next month has in store before we bite the bullet and renew our I171H.
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Monday, July 24, 2006

Crisis Narrowly Averted

Mike was nearly the victim of 1,000,000,000 bee stings last weekend. We took Fisher's Kennel down some time ago and stacked the pieces against the garage until we decide to sell it. Mike thought he would cut the weeds that have grown behind the kennel. So, he proceeds to try to pull the kennel from the garage and feels that it is stuck on something. He thought it was the weeds. When he looked up he saw this enormous hornets nest...When I say enormous I mean huge. Like the size of a big beach ball. Fortunately, the nest is only intertwined in the back three pieces of the kennel and not the front piece. My dear husband would have been eaten alive by all of these hornets. We finally got some bee spray and Mike sprayed the nest last night. Poor bees. BZZZZZZzzzzz....
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Friday, July 21, 2006

Happy Birthday Mom

Happy Birthday to my dear, sweet Mother...The best Mom in the whole wide world!! We love you bunches!!
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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Scary Storm

We went to dinner and a movie last night with Matt and Aimee (you were's the pic) and Don and Kelly. Don and Kelly have the same LID as us and are using CCAI as their agency to adopt their daughter also. It was great to meet them and dream of traveling together to get our girls. We had a little time between great grilled tuna at the Tidewater and Click so we stopped by Joe Mugs and had some coffee. We noticed that the people sitting outside where scurrying around looking at the sky. Then we saw this black cloud peeking over the building. It really didn't amount to much but a little rain, but it sure looked threatening.
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What Have I Been Doing?

I have decided to take some of the thousands of pictures that we have taken in our lives and post them somewhere besides online. I've been scrapbooking. Scrapbooking is something that I really enjoy but just don't do often enough. I have had a stretch off of work so I pulled out the supplies and started scrapping. I just joined a scrapbook supply exchange on one of my yahoo groups. I thought, what better time than now to get some practice before I start this exchange and have a bunch of new stuff to scrap with. I have also been gathering pictures for baby girls album. I bought the cutest little purple Creative Memories album to put pictures of our families in...a People Who Love You album. I can't wait to get started on it.
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Sunday, July 02, 2006

Pantry picture challenge

I can't resist a challenge. While checking in on some blogs that I frequent, Julie challenged anyone to post a pic of their cabinets or pantry. Well Julie, here is our pantry in most of it's glory. It does extend probably a foot and a half beyond what you can see in the picture on either side. Also in the floor is the garbage can and countless plastic grocery bags, lunch bags, cans of pop and lots of crumbs. Notice if you will, the nearly complete chaos and disorganization. Can you even tell what is what? The top shelf is mostly liquor, to help ease the pain of this excruciating wait. The second is cereal and snacks also used as a pacifier, mostly. Third is cans and stuff. Forth dry food like rice and beans and instant potatoes. And the bottom is plastic wrap and bags, blender and more stuff. And that's really not all. I have several other cabinets with spices and baking stuff. I hope everyone enjoys my humility ;)
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Thank You Secret Pal!!

Our secret pal has struck again. Look at these super cute patriotic shirts and sockies.
Thak you secret pal, for the really cute stuff. And how smart are you sending two different sizes? You are right. Surely they will fit some July 4th.
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