Sunday, July 02, 2006

Pantry picture challenge

I can't resist a challenge. While checking in on some blogs that I frequent, Julie challenged anyone to post a pic of their cabinets or pantry. Well Julie, here is our pantry in most of it's glory. It does extend probably a foot and a half beyond what you can see in the picture on either side. Also in the floor is the garbage can and countless plastic grocery bags, lunch bags, cans of pop and lots of crumbs. Notice if you will, the nearly complete chaos and disorganization. Can you even tell what is what? The top shelf is mostly liquor, to help ease the pain of this excruciating wait. The second is cereal and snacks also used as a pacifier, mostly. Third is cans and stuff. Forth dry food like rice and beans and instant potatoes. And the bottom is plastic wrap and bags, blender and more stuff. And that's really not all. I have several other cabinets with spices and baking stuff. I hope everyone enjoys my humility ;)
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1 comment:

granola girl said...

You are brave!!
I don't think I could show my cabinet---it's not pretty. LOL