Sunday, May 27, 2007

Maya's First Night Gown

I got Maya her first night gown just the other day. I put it on her last night since she is mostly walking now and won't get tangled up in it trying to crawl around. And since it's 90 degrees and she won't freeze. She thought that she was a princess wearing that gown ( I have to admit, I did to). She had to put on her flip flops and go outside to parade around with her Dad and her new nightie. How cute is that!?

Getcha Ear a Corn Haw Haw

Sorry about the title of this post. There's just a few people who "get it" but it's a long, long standing saying among some of our oldest friends. I actually don't even remember the story surrounding it anymore.

Anyway, Maya had her first taste of corn on the cob yesterday at the Vandalia Gathering. She mostly just licked the butter and salt off of the corn. Vandalia is a local bluegrass festival/pickin' contest of sorts that goes on every year at the state capitol in Charleston, WV during the Memorial Day weekend. It has been many years since we've gone. We are usually on our way to the beach this weekend. Instead, we'll be on our way next weekend. We can't wait to get this girly to the coast. We thought she would get to go for the past 2 years and finally, we get to take our sweet girl to the beach with us in more than just our hearts.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Our WILDflower

I wish I could claim the beautiful flowers that our most beautiful flower is sitting in but they actually are growing in our neighbor Monnie's yard. She has the green thumb that I always wish that I had. Her yard is gorgeous with tons of flowers growing everywhere. We took Maya over and had a little photo shoot in the flowers. She was not too cooperative. But not totally uncooperative either. It was very sunny and the white shirt was a little bright. We're still trying to learn the camera.
We had a great first Mother's Day. I am so happy to be able to celebrate this day as Maya's Mommy. I've said it before and I'll say it again...I am the lucky one!!
She is walking now in giant strides of 10-20 steps at a time. Still prefers crawling as it's a sure way to get where she wants to go. She just started the big walking yesterday. She can stand herself up in the middle of the floor with nothing to pull up on and just takes off walking.
Most of you know she was lactose intolerant. Well that has a fallen to the wayside as well as all baby food. She is on full strength Enfamil Lipil Next Step. We gradually switched her over from Lactofree with no problems. Our Ped had recommended giving her whole milk at 1 year but I wanted to use the Next Step for a few months just to give her the extra nutrients in the formula since she was a little deprived early in her life. Our Ped agreed. She also loves grilled cheese sandwiches and yogurt and ice cream. Good thing that the lactose isn't an issue for her anymore.
Well, I'm not having the good dial-up luck today. I was trying to get another of the flower shots up but no luck. I'll try again later.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Holy Dial-up Batman!!

For whatever reason, I'm able to get pictures uploaded today without much fuss. So I'll share a few.

Check out this great ladybug raincoat. It was a birthday gift from Kelli. She also got rain boots to match.

My sleeping beauties!

Maya's Daddy got her this really cool sandbox for her birthday. It's a ton of fun for her. She is not feeling very well today so this pic of her smiling just goes to show how much she likes the sandbox. What you can't see in the picture is the lamb chop hanging out of Maya's nose. Poor little girly. She hasn't been sick since we got home from China. I really think this is just allergies. We go to the Ped next week for our second round of shots. Hopefully she'll be over it by then. But if not, I guess we'll find out if it's allergies or not.

Update...the lamb chop was gone within just a few hours of this pic. Must have been allergies, whew!!

Well, that's all the luck that I'm having today. Actually, I'm quite impressed that I was able to get this many pics uploaded. Now I'll cross my fingers and hope that this posts!

We Love Our Crocs

I have ben looking high and low for a pair of Crocs for Maya. Mike and I have had ours for about 4 years now. We were given them for Christmas before they were "all the rage". I haven't been able to find a tiny pair for our little gator.
Maya was given the honor of becoming the Future Girl Scout 2007 for her friend Bailey's Girl Scout troup and they showered her with gifts. One of those gifts was this tiny pair of pink Crocs. How cute is that?!!