Monday, May 14, 2007

Our WILDflower

I wish I could claim the beautiful flowers that our most beautiful flower is sitting in but they actually are growing in our neighbor Monnie's yard. She has the green thumb that I always wish that I had. Her yard is gorgeous with tons of flowers growing everywhere. We took Maya over and had a little photo shoot in the flowers. She was not too cooperative. But not totally uncooperative either. It was very sunny and the white shirt was a little bright. We're still trying to learn the camera.
We had a great first Mother's Day. I am so happy to be able to celebrate this day as Maya's Mommy. I've said it before and I'll say it again...I am the lucky one!!
She is walking now in giant strides of 10-20 steps at a time. Still prefers crawling as it's a sure way to get where she wants to go. She just started the big walking yesterday. She can stand herself up in the middle of the floor with nothing to pull up on and just takes off walking.
Most of you know she was lactose intolerant. Well that has a fallen to the wayside as well as all baby food. She is on full strength Enfamil Lipil Next Step. We gradually switched her over from Lactofree with no problems. Our Ped had recommended giving her whole milk at 1 year but I wanted to use the Next Step for a few months just to give her the extra nutrients in the formula since she was a little deprived early in her life. Our Ped agreed. She also loves grilled cheese sandwiches and yogurt and ice cream. Good thing that the lactose isn't an issue for her anymore.
Well, I'm not having the good dial-up luck today. I was trying to get another of the flower shots up but no luck. I'll try again later.


The Ferguson Family said...

She is such a beautiful girl. We need to plan another get together!

Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers Day! I hope you got your deserved pampering!

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day!!!! Walking I can't belive it what a big girl. Miss Ya & Love ya Bunches

theups said...

She looks SOOOOOO pretty!!!! And what an awesome blessing from God that she is no longer lactose intolerant!! Have you told Sandra about it? She'd be jumping for joy, I'm sure!!!


Anonymous said...


Whatever you do that makes her prettier every day, don't stop. Rob and Tammy got their picture of Gretyl finally. Tammy seemed to enjoy her first mother's day as a Mommy. They have three pictures, and of course, she is beautiful too. Keep up the great Mommy work!

She is great!


Anonymous said...

Haven't checked in for a while but, nothings changed. Except she's growing and finding her comfort zone and it shows. She is prettier in every picture frame. What a blessing. Hope your first Mother's Day was memorable. Love Karen E.