Saturday, February 25, 2006

What the Hell?

Well, CCAI has posted that the next batch of referrals have been mailed. They are "hopeful that they will include their May 23 LID". Hopeful, hopeful that they will include May 23? I was hopeful that they would include June 23. With each batch of referrals that have come out since we were logged in, the 6-8 month wait that we started with has increased at least a month. This is ridiculous. I am fully anticipating having to re-file for our I-171H. Ours expires in January. That's a nice little chunk of change that was not in the budget. I am totally exasperated and am sure that my head may spin around backwards on my neck at any moment now. I'm going to try to keep it together until it's definitive that the hopefulness of CCAI has been confirmed. That should be sometime early next week. After that, I'm not making any promises.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Please Mom?!!!

What Fisher would not do to get Maggie to play with him. And, as you can see, she has zero interest and is awfully guarded when he is around ;)
No news this week so far about referrals. Last week the rumor was that referrals were coming and that they include LIDs into June and maybe all of June. Wouldn't that just be fantastic! Although, I'm certainly not getting my hopes up. In fact I am still in the self defensive mind set of not even thinking about it. I hate that! I feel as if I am slighting my own daughter as a defense for myself. Disappointment has been abounding in our life for so many years now that turning it off is how I deal....or maybe I just don't deal anymore. Can you say therapy anyone? In our quest to be parents, we have only experienced disappointment and grief. I really don't know how to feel any other way about it. I do know that one day, not too far in the future, we will look into the big dark eyes of our own daughter and kiss her on her beautiful face. Saying that is so much easier than believing, but I do know that it is true. Maybe, once she is safely surrounded by our love and affection, and physically in our grasp I will truly believe. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A Day Late

Happy Valentines Day!! (a day late) You can see some of the leftover snow through the window. That was yesterday. Today it is 60 degrees outside. Tomorrow it is supposed to be warmer still and then this weekend it may snow again. What a strange winter it has been. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Happy Valentines Day Secret Pal

Our secret pal is great! We were so glad to get I Love You Like Crazy Cakes. It is a really sweet story. Looks like I'm gonna have to make some sugar cookies for Valentines Day...Darn :) Posted by Picasa

Cute Patoot

Look at that blue eyed boy; my great nephew Bryce. When I called earlier he said, "Is this uncle Jill?" What a turkey. Posted by Picasa

Freak Occurance

Those of you who know Maggie well, know that this is very out of character. She loves to drink from Fisher's bowel but never while he is there eating...Weirdo cat. Posted by Picasa

Maybe Even Too Great

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A Great Time Was Had By All

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Sunset Mallory Square Key West Florida

This is what I saw before I went to bed on Thursday night. What a change 24 hours makes. Posted by Picasa

Summersville West Virginia

This is what I saw before I went to bed on Wednesday night. We decided to take fisher on up to Mike's. The trip was great until we hit the New River Gorge Bridge. On the North side of the bridge there was 3-4 inches of snow. This is the road to the farm. That 3-4 inches had doubled by the time we made it there. Posted by Picasa