Monday, September 14, 2009


August is always bitter-sweet to me. It is the last truly summer month and we love some summer around here.
Teresa and Molly stopped back by on their way home. We were so happy that we got to spend a little extra time with them. It was an extra special treat for both girls when Molly got to join Maya in dance class. Little girls in tutus has to be one of he cutest things ever.

Luckily they came on laundry day and Maya was able to share one of her favorite princess nightgowns with Molly. These two gowns have sure had a work out this summer.

Maya loves her new princess dress from Molly!

We got Maya this little tree swing a few weeks ago and it has been amazing watching her figure out how to hold on and how to get off of the swing when she's finished. She is doing great!

We took Maya on her first camping trip. We had a blast. She loved it and asks to go again every couple of days. We went up to Spruce Knob Lake campground. It is one of our long time favorites and we were as pleased as always. Spruce knob is the highest point in WV and it is beautiful!

This was our home away from home for the weekend.

As is always the case, the food was great. Everything always tastes better when it's cooked over (or in) the campfire.

The view from the top of Spruce Knob. Mountains everywhere! It is awesome up there.

"Enough with the pictures!"

I'm pretty sure sparklers are illegal in a National Forest.

Ahhhh mornings around the campfire with a princess nightgown on.

We had to stop to play in the creek when we came down off of the mountain. It was a super fun weekend. Maya was a real trooper for her first time camping. She's such an adaptable little girl. I never doubted that she would have a great time.

August brought the final piece of our adoption paperwork. Maya's WV birth certificate!