Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Or "E-stew-a" according to Maya.
We haven't been to church since last Easter. But, this morning we braved it again. Maya had her Easter frock on so we had to go somewhere. She sure looked beautiful!! She was a very good girl at church.

It was cold but very sunny this morning. Then the day turned cloudy and it was sprinkling by evening. This sweet sugar warmed my heart all day long.

Bock bock...Tanks E-stew-a bunny!

We colored eggs Friday night. I was looking forward to and frightened at the same time about letting Maya near the dye. It all turned out fine. Very little mess because she was more interested in putting the sticker faces on the eggs.

My two favorites!

Bye bye bottle. This is the last bottle for our big girl. Tomorrow will be one week without her nightly bottle. Just as I suspected she could give a rat's @**. I'm sure I miss it more than Maya.

Maya's great aunt and great uncle came in to visit from Louisiana. She was her usual cheesy self for all the pics. L-R great aunt Bessie, Maya, great Grandma, great uncle LuDell.

Dad's best birthday present!!


Kim said...

Happy Easter..
Maya is soooo adorable....
LOVE her pretty dress.. she looks soooooo cute...
Looks like everyone had a Great Time...

granola girl said...

She is too beautiful in that dress!

It's so great to see your smiling faces!!

I remember Audrey's last bottle and we had the same experience--sad for me fine for if you were going to take away her blanket there would be hell to pay. LOL


granola girl said...

She is too beautiful in that dress!

It's so great to see your smiling faces!!

I remember Audrey's last bottle and we had the same experience--sad for me fine for if you were going to take away her blanket there would be hell to pay. LOL


granola girl said...

Sorry for double comments. I didn't know that was possible. I guess my sentiments needed to be stated twice. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hello - Love the pics!! Maya gets cuter and smarter by the minute!! Unfortunately, we haven't given up the bottle.... Ella loves her "ba ba" in the morning and can't survive without it (kinda like coffee ha ha!!). Today is one month from Maya's 2nd birthday - can you even believe it??? They are growing so fast. Miss you all! Love, The Lazar's

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous!! Gee, maybe Maya can talk with Lexie about giving up that bottle(yikes)!! Glad to see you are all well! We think of you often!