Tuesday, June 30, 2009


We have thoroughly enjoyed our June. I hate to see it go. I wish the summer months would slow down.
We started the month off in North Carolina...Ahhhh Sunset Beach!! We spent Friday visiting Mike's college room mate. On the way down this VW Squareback blew past us. Of course I had to grab my camera because this is identical to my very first car. I haven't seen one on the road around here for years. I loved that car. Even if we did have to scrape the ice off of the inside of the windshield in the winter, while driving.

The hotel we stayed in on Friday had a great park behind it. Maya surprised us when she just took off on her tricycle, peddling and steering like a pro. We have a small flat concrete parking pad that Maya had been trying to ride her trike on but wasn't having much success. Everywhere else around us is grass or gravel and hilly. Not the greatest for learning to ride a tricycle. After riding around in places where there's lots of flat open space she has become a champion tricycle rider.

We had a great time at the beach this year. Maya loved spending time with Chloe and Caitlin. It's so nice to go on vacation.

We have spent a lot of time in the pool. If it were up to Maya we'd be in there all day everyday.

And I've been spending a lot of time in my laundry room! Every quilt, towel, rug etc. has been washed. Not to mention several loads of clothes. I love my new toys!

This was one of Maya's gifts to her daddy for father's day. I can't remember where I saw this idea. It was in some magazine but I can't remember which one. It sure did turn out cute though.

A birthday party with a jumpy house! I could hardly get her to come out even for cake.

She did come out for a group shot in the Spiderman masks.

Maya attended her first VBS last week. She had a blast! We don't go to church so this was all pretty new to Maya. She loved learning the songs. And she did a great job when they did the program for the church. She was in heaven the day they brought animals that they could feed and pet. It was hard to get her away from these bunnies.

The theme of the VBS was Rome. It was a lot of fun for the kids and everyone that participated. This was the 3 & 4 year old class playing a game. There were so many kids there.

Looking beautiful for her singing debut on Sunday morning.

So Maya's month goes out on a not so happy note. She had to have blood drawn today in an attempt to find out why she has hives. She had a back full of scratch tests on Friday. She has been a trooper through it all. As soon as we got back to the car after having her blood drawn she asked what kind of band aid that was. I told her it was just a white one and then I made a smiley face on it. She laughed when she looked at it and then immediately put on the pity face. "I need to show my Daddy", she said in the most pouty voice ever so gently touching the band aid. So Daddy, this one's for you.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


May was mostly cool and wet. We had some sunny days too and it is certainly getting green with all of the rain we've had.
This was my third Mother's day. I love being a mother! I love my girl!

The azaleas were particularly full and beautiful this year. But it only took one good rain to knock all of the blooms off. But they sure were nice while they lasted.

Maya has gotten a lot of use out of her Ariel umbrella and the kitty rain boots that her cousin Lilli gave her. She loves those boots!

Still loves Little Critter. New favorites are Olivia and Arthur. We spend a lot of time at the library.

Also still loves to paint. When she gets to paint at her easel she says she is painting a Jackson Pollock paintin'.

She finished up her gymnastics class. These were the only 4 girls left by the end of the class that started in October. They had such a great time and it was so much fun watching all of these little girls grow up.

Memorial Day

The sewing bug bit. Monnie's flowers were a perfect backdrop for Maya in her Momma-made outfit.
This was the longest Maya's hair had been in a while. I thought I might let it grow for the summer so she could have some pony tails. These were the only pony tails she got. It's short again now and looks so much better. The tails are super cute but they will not stay in her silky mane.