Friday, September 14, 2007

Where Does the Time Go?

And then all of the sudden it has been 2 weeks since I've posted pics of this beautiful girly of ours!
Well, here she is. I hope you're sitting down because her cuteness will make your knees weak;)

We are doing great. The changes we have noticed in Maya lately have been incredible. I felt her hand on the back of my neck for the first time ever. She has always pushed on my chest when I'm holding her, and still does most of the time. But just recently she has been holding on around my shoulder to my back or even around my neck. She almost always pats me on the back when I'm holding her on my hip. We have gotten genuine hugs. Even with a little "awwww" as she hugs. She loves Fisher and he is such a good boy with her.

She has been all about her shadow. I catch her in the kitchen watching her shadow while she dances. Here, she is waving to her shadow.

Yesterday was our 10 year anniversary. These are my beautiful flowers and my beautiful daughter.

In the course of 2 weeks we have had temperatures from 100 to 45 degrees. It was chilly in the house when we woke after the 45 degree night. Maya had to try out her new slippers.

Any mirror in our house that is Maya height, has lip prints all over it. She knows something cute when she sees it and will always give those cute things a kiss...including herself! Here she is kissing herself in the truck bumper.

According to my car thermometer, it was 100 degrees out on this day. We had already retired the pool so we played in the water hose. She loves to drink out of the hose. I think she likes it so much because Fisher drinks out of the hose too.

Maya got to experience her first parade a couple of weeks ago. She had a good time. She loved the music. This is Maya and her Dad waiting for the parade to start.

Maya's nickname for the past couple of weeks has been "Skeeter". Notice the giant mosquito bite on her forehead. Well, it is nothing compared to the mountain of a welt she had on her forearm a few days later.


granola girl said...

How gorgeous can she get?!! You guys are going to be in serious trouble in a couple years--get a deadbolt for your door now. ;)

It's amazing to see all the babies walking around like big girls!! Our day will come but for now Miss Audrey thinks being carried everywhere is far better LOL!

Happy Anniversary!

Kim said...

Those pictures are amazing..
It brought tears to my eyes.. how amazingly cute...
I do not know how you stand it..
It is amazing how much she has grown... she looks like a big girl now..
By the way ... she has the cutest clothes..
Take care
Have a Great Weekend.

Anonymous said...

We are so happy to hear of your recent achievements with Maya. Nothing bad lasts forever, even though it feels like it. You have come a long way. Great to see you all happy. Happy 10th!!!!

Love from Sunset Beach,
Chip & Amy

Anonymous said...

Miss Maya gets more adorable every time you post new pictures. Keep them coming. Also, happy 10th anniversary!

Sandy & Darrah

Anonymous said...

My how she is growing and not just physically. She is truly beautiful. What a blessing she is.Just think Christmas is around the corner. Oh what fun there is to come.
Karen E.