Wednesday, May 03, 2006


This is a pic of my new bracelet. My wonderful neighbors, The Mahan's, brought this over and said that this baby girl is going to bring you so much joy! That is what the bracelet says, Joy. Thank you so much for my beautiful bracelet!
Well, I'm not feeling much joy lately. I can't really say how I feel other than sad and lonely without our girly and very, very weary of this wait. Mostly just kind of numb.
Referrals are out for April. They include LIDs May 31-June 6. Yeah, that's a whopping 7 days and virtually no closer to September. Congratulations to those 29 families with CCAI who now know their babies. The March referrals for CCAI included (I think) 114 babies. Only 29 for April is more than disappointing, it's down right scary.
On the flip side, and I think what is keeping me numb instead of angry, is the fact that the CCAA has posted that dossiers received by the end of September 05 (THAT'S US!!!) have been reviewed. What that means is that there are no more steps between us and our sweet baby girl. Someone in China has reviewed our dossier, found it acceptable, and sent it on to be matched with our daughter. That does not mean that anything will happen any faster. But it does show some (albeit miniscule) forward motion for us. Essentially we are in the match room! Our paperwork may be faded and dusty by the time we are matched but at least we are there. The CCAA is gonna have to build a bigger match room to accommodate all of the unmatched dossiers if they don't put a move on. Posted by Picasa

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