Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!!

We're wishing everyone a happy and safe Halloween tonight. Poor Fisher will be spending the night at the Pound (the kennel). I'll be spending the night with all of the NICU babies and Mike will be spending the night in a hotel somewhere. We were a little leery of leaving Fisher here alone with all of the trick-or-treaters out and about so to the pound he'll go.
We still don't know anything about the next batch of referrals. Apparently there will be no referrals for October but hopefully they will arrive early in November (like, really early maybe later this week). And then maybe there will be another batch at the end of November and that will include Little Miss McFee!!! Yep, we could know our girly as soon as the end of November. We'll have a little better idea after the current batch arrives. I'm tired of not knowing this girly name and we need to see her face before we can give her one. We would love a nice gift of our daughter for Thanksgiving. Is that too much to ask?
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