Thursday, March 29, 2007

Long Time Coming

It's been a long time since I've had a minute to sit at this computer. We are all doing just fine and adjusting better and better everyday. Maya is a joy and such a smarty pants. Our daughter is amazing. What a change we have seen in her over the course of a month. She loves it here at her home. She is the life of the party. She is so easy-going and love to get into anything and everything she can. She eats just about anything, sleeps all night long in her own crib, wakes happy and smiling, naps for an hour or two each day and is not grumpy if she just gets a cat nap in the car seat instead of a good long nap in her bed. She loves to be outside, loves the pool, loves it when her Daddy comes home from work and loves, loves, loves to walk holding your fingers. She sat herself up all by herself tonight for the first time. She has learned to patty-cake this week and play peek-a-boo. She waves bye-bye but usually after who ever she is waving at is gone.
She is a princess and we love her to pieces!!


Anonymous said...

Sooo glad to hear that she is feeling better and doing great!!! We had a wonderful time visiting with you all and look forward to doing it again! Amy's feet still haven't touched the ground from that little princess laying her head on Amy's shoulder. So glad that you were able to post, now go get some much needed rest!

Love & Hugz

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL!! We have been waiting eagerly for pics and the princess looks great and SO happy! Isn't it amazing how much they change-and how fast they change. So glad it is all going well-we are thinking of you!!

Anonymous said...

Oooohhhh, I want to squeeze her! She is a doll! I'm glad her transition has been going so well. Can you believe how busy having such a little person can be - especially when they're mobile!

I know you're enjoying every second with Maya! You all deserve it!

Karen Stricker

Unknown said...

I have been checking every day to see updates. She looks very happy and so cute in her spring hat!

OziMum said...

Aaaawww... she is just precious! So glad that Maya is settling is so well!!! What a little trooper - sleeping in her own crib all night!

Anonymous said...

She is soooo cute i have been waiting for you to put somthing up on here. I cant wait to see more pics. IS she saying any words yet?

Anonymous said...

I have been waiting to see updated pictures! Maya is so darling and looks like she has grown since she has been home. Update the blog when you can :-)

Anonymous said...

I have so enjoyed seeing Maya the last few times. She is truly a joy and a blessing for you and Mike and all the rest of us that get to share in her life with you. Kiss her feet for me til I see her again. Love Karen E.