Saturday, March 03, 2007

Old Town

Today we ventured out with some others in our travel group to a shopping area in downtown Guangzhou. We went for lunch at a traditional Cantonese restaurant. The food was good and the company was better. We loved going out with Lilly from CO because she speaks Cantonese. It made shopping a breeze and she could tell us what people were saying about our babies. We are so jealous of her ability to communicate on a much greater level with the people of this area.

Maya loves to play with chopsticks. Maybe she'll be a drummer some day or maybe she'll just be good at eating with chopsticks. Just minutes after this picture was taken she puked all over herself, me and her stroller. I changed her clothes at the table and a little Chinese lady at the next table got up and scolded me for having her clothes off. Maya was screaming and the lady said it was because she was cold(we knew this thanks to Lilly). I said she must not have seen the fountain of spew come from Maya's mouth just before I stripped her cloths off. Older Chinese women are lovingly referred to as the "clothes police". Even as warm as it was today, close to 80, people have their babies bundled up form head to toe. The women will walk right up and pull down the babies pants legs if skin is exposed and cover them if you have a blanket.

This is Maya and her shopping buddies. Mollie, Maya and Emily. They obviously shopped till they dropped. We had a crowd around us as I took this picture. I wish I had given Mike the camera to take a picture of the crowd. But take my word for it, we made a quick exit after the picture because we were all getting a little claustrophobic from being surrounded by so many people.

We arrived at the shopping area early this morning. By the time we left, the street was thick with people. Tomorrow is Lantern Festival. There are red lanterns hanging all over Guangzhou. It's beautiful.

Mike bought Maya this Captain Corn Phish onesie last summer. It fits just right. She sure is cute in it isn't she?

Our WV friends finally made it to the White Swan. We are so happy. Just seeing some familiar faces has made our evening. We love our travel group and the friends that we've made in them are irreplaceable. But, having our homeies around takes away a little of our homesickness. We really need that. We only got to see them for a minute this evening. We can't wait to get to spend more time with them.
Good night from Guangzhou, Jill, Mike and Maya.


Anonymous said...

She's cuter everytime I look at her. Just one week until you all get home. Can't wait.
Love, Sissy

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! So glad things are going better-we are thinking of you all!

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys! We enjoy looking at the pictures so much. The parents here in the unit will happen to catch a glimpse of the screen and will ask questions about it and "ooohh and Aaaah" over Maya-as they well should! We CANNOT WAIT to see her in person. The computer screen is covered with fingerprints from attempted cheek pinching!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you have some familiar faces with you now. I'll bet your last few days will go by more quickly now that you have some homebodies with you. Hang in there, you're almost home! Ash

Anonymous said...

Glad you have some WV accents with you now. That may help and I know you are counting down the days. I can't imagine being in a strange place like that. But wait til your feet are on familar soil. She is still beautiful and seems to be settling in with Mom and Dad. Prayers are continuing see you soon.
Karen E.

Anonymous said...

Hello from the Pettigrew's in WV

0Maggie and I just sat and read through everything!!! Maggie says, "The baby is cute and I really love the baby. I really want you to come back soon, so I can see the china baby. I want to see her badly. I love the baby. Jill and Mike I am very happy for you. Do you remember me, Maggie? Don't forget that I want to see the china baby the first day you come back. I really want to see her badly. DON'T FORGET I WANT TO SEE YOU THE FIRST DAY YOU ARE BACIK. My mom is typing on the computer and she think the baby is really cute, too. Me and my mom is going to see her on the first day when you come back. My mom think the baby is cute and really likes her a lot."
Hang in there guys. You will be home before you know it. Jeni

granola girl said...

You're in the home stretch! You be back before you know it!! She continues to look so precious!

Enjoy the heat while you can---it's snowing here!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill! Can't wait for you to bring Maya home for a play date with me! I miss you!
Sam Sharp

Anonymous said...

The street scene picture appears busy, and yet what I've always imagined that China would look like. The streets full of people could be a little suffocating, however, I love all the paper lanterns. Do they light up?

Maya appears to be a little beacon of light with that smile and we can't wait to see her in person. I'm sure that you've got lots of stories and experiences to share, and you'll get tired of repeating them all, but we won't get tired of hearing them. You're in the backstretch and the finish line is in sight! Hang in there!!!

Love & hugz!

Anonymous said...

Jill and Mike, I can sense how homesick you are when I read your letters. Just hang in there, keep thinking about all that you are going to do with her when you get her back in WV. I know that everyone back here is talking and thinking about you all so much!!! Soon, you will wonder what you ever did with your time before she came!!! Thinking of you every day, Lisa M.

Anonymous said...

I swear she gets prettier every day!! Shopping looks like is was fun, but exhausting for the little girls!! I bet they had a blast. Did Maya ask or point at anything she wanted?! Well i better get back to work. Just wanted to say hi and that i am thinking about you guys and the other families over there all the time. Can't wait till u all get home!!! It will be here soon!!!
Loves and Hugs,