Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Spring has Sprung

Spring is officially springing out in WV. These are actually buds on this tree in the front yard. There are daffodils popping out of the ground beside of the house also. Bring It On!!
Yesterday, 112 families with a LID of May 23 from CCAI were given their referrals. How wonderful for those families!! I cannot imagine their joy. Maybe someday, many moons from now, we will know their joy. If the CCAA continues to match only 12 days of dossiers each month it could be a very, very, very long time before we get to experience that joy. What ever happened to 6-8 months? It seems as if 9-10 months has come and gone too. The I171H is only good for 18 months. It seems inconceivable that everyone would be expected to renew that expensive yet crucial part of the process but it sure looks like we're headed in that direction. Posted by Picasa

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