Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Getting Better All the Time

Here are 3 of the 4 Yangchun girls in our travel group. The only one missing is Elizabeth. They are all such beautiful girls. L-R Ella, Kaytee Beth and the our princess Maya

We made a trip to the local department store today. It was 9 stories tall and had everything from groceries to clothing and electronics. Much like department stores at home and the prices were about the same too. They do have very cute clothes and shoes for children. Maya had to have these super cute purple shoes and a pair of orange ones too. We also got her a couple of toys and 1 outfit. These are not squeaky shoes. We are going to buy those here on the island. She thinks she is something in her new shoes. And we agree!

Here she is caught in the act of smiling at her Mom. We saw a lot more smiles today and she has been a lot less sad. We are going to bed tonight feeling like this has been a much better day than the ones past. She is still not real happy for mike to hold her but she is coming around slowly.

She is sure giving a sneaky looking face in this picture but it is too cute. We get this sneaky look often. She really is a stinker. Her personality is unfolding day by day and we are getting to know the real Maya more and more. She is such a wonderful girl. Some of you have asked about her schedule. She has slept through the night each night so far. I have a feeling that tonight may be the night that she wakes up. Hopefully I'm wrong. She's been going to sleep between 8:30 and 9 and has gotten up at about 6am every morning. She takes a 1-2 hour nap in the afternoon. She eats like a champ, loves her bath, doesn't mind cloths and diaper changes. Pooping has been a bit of an issue (OK maybe that's too much info) but we're taking care of that. She is sleeping in her crib. She falls asleep while being given a bottle and just keeps on sleeping when I lay her down. She loves congee (a soupie rice kind of stuff that is virtually tasteless) apple and banana paste baby food and french toast. When we got her she wouldn't put stuff in her mouth. She could pick up cheerios but never even offered to put them or anything else in her mouth. Now she shovels them in. She loves to chew on crackers but still doesn't put toys in her mouth. I love to watch her try to get a cheerio from one hand to the other when it's buried in her fist. She is so smart and makes the cutest faces.

I bought these baby gap PJs a year or more ago. I couldn't wait to see them on our daughter. She looks cuter than I could have ever imagined in them.


Anonymous said...

Talk about a cutie patootie! That little smile is precious! Tell Mike to hang in there as I'm sure that she hasn't been around many men. We love reading the daily updates and have tuned into the blog numerous times daily to check and make sure that you haven't made more updates. This is better than any serial TV show!!! Move over "Grey's Anatomy", "CSI", or "Idol"; Make soom for the Maya Show!

Miss ya and can't wait for you to get home and meet the little darling in person!

Love & Hugz

Anonymous said...

Maya looks to her mommy with such love and adoration, it is so heartwarming! She'll be hanging on tight to her Daddy real soon, and then she'll never let go! I love watching these photos every morning, you can just tell how much she is loved!

Anonymous said...

I'll bet we will all have to wait until Maya gets used to us before any of us will be able to hold her. Oh well, it will be worth the wait. She is absolutely adorable. As are the other girlies. I'm with Chip and Amy. Bring on the "Maya Show".
Love, Sissy

Anonymous said...

Mike and Jill she is beautiful. Hope you have a good trip back. Can't wait to see her in person.

Juanita Scaggs

Anonymous said...

awwww Aunt Jill she is sooooo soooo cute i cant wait till you bring her home. Me and Bryce will be there waiting for ya too. And i got her the cutist sun glasses from childrens place. Love you
Sarah and Bryce

Anonymous said...

Her PJ's are adorable looks like your having fun playing dress up. I was glad to hear you had a better day. Tell Mike to hang in there she will be a daddy's girl before you know it. You are still in my prayers I can't help but think of you guys as I go about my Day. Miss you and Love ya lots!!

Anonymous said...

I'm just wondering . . .does she sleep on her back, or does she roll over and stick her cute little baby butt up in the air? How cute is that baby's butt, anyways? I'll just bet it's the cutest one you've ever seen!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys---
she is adorable----I bet you never imagined loving something that much----it keeps getting better!!!! We can't wait to meet her. When will she be allowed to eat ramps? (Mom will fix them) Take care and be careful!!!!

xoxo Allie, Madison & Alex

Anonymous said...

Of course the outfit is purple--ROCK ON MAYA!!!

Miss you lots!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jill! If only I could squeeze that face through the computer screen! We are all here at work Oohing and Aahing over your beautiful daughter. You guys so deserve all of this happiness. Can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

I got her welcome to "Our"merica presents. I can't wait to give them to you for her. Of course SHE is the best present anyone could ever get! She is so adorable and what a killer smile! It looks like you are having a great time getting to know each other. Mike...she will be an extension of your body in no time ( she already has your heart).
Miss you Jill. Can't wait to see you all.
Love, Ren

Anonymous said...

These pics are precious. The one of her looking at her mommy is heartmelting. Keep the updates coming. Love ya, Jennifer

Mom 2 six said...

She is so beautiful. Her personality will continue to shine as time goes on. Glad to see things are going well.

Anonymous said...

Dear Michael and Jill,
I love getting on the website and seeing pictures of my new baby cousin and can't wait to see her in person!At school a few days ago during study hall we put the website up on the big screen for us to see! My teacher told me to keep her updated and she is so happy for you guys! She was so exited when I told her you were leaving the 21st and when you finally got Maya!We also have pictures of Maya on our big dry-erase board!