Saturday, February 24, 2007

Our Last Day Without Maya

Today we basically tried to recover. We started out with an excellent breakfast at the buffet here at the White Swan. It deserves all of the raves it gets! Then we had a meeting with our guides and the other folks in our travel group. Wouldn't you know it, we forgot to take the only documents that we were supposed to take to the meeting. Oh well, hopefully that will be our last mistake (however, I don't think it will be). We got our first can of formula and rice cereal for Maya and instructions for what will go on tomorrow. Then we walked around the island a little more. It was raining a little today and not as warm but still in the 60s.

We were able to sneak in a nap before going to dinner with our group to a local Cantonese family style restaurant. The food was delicious! Not much different than Chinese food at home. It was great to get to spend some time with most of the other families and our guides Kathy and Jocelyn. It was interesting to speak with them and learn a little more about them and China in general.
We are ready for you wouldn't believe! The diaper bag is packed, the gifts prepared and our arms and hearts are wide open to receive the greatest gift we could ever imagine.
For all of you praying folks out there, one of our families travel companion is suffering from a major migraine. Keep her in mind as you think of us today.


Anonymous said...

Excited! Excited! Excited!!!
Sending you and Mike all the prayers and energy that we can muster... mmm... Can you feel it? Can't wait to see a pic of the three of you tomorrow, a real family picture, how complete! Makes me think of that song from Annie, "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow. It's only a day away..."
Sleep well, or as much as you can.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! You are almost there-we are so happy and excited for you. I can't wait to show Lexie the pic of our secret pals and their beautiful daughter. We will put it in her scrapbook for sure!! Our thoughts are with you all. Did you try bugs at the Cantonese restaurant? We DID NOT!! Tell Kathy hi from us-she was our guide in December-she is awesome!!

Anonymous said...

I bet you all are busting full of joy right now!!! I know you can't wait to get her in your arms and never let go!!! I'm thinking of you and praying that the day will fly by so that tomorrow will come quicker!!! Have Fun!!!

Anonymous said...

What was it I said earlier? Every second of every day? I am sure those seconds are ticking by ever so slowly for you, but the journey of a lifetime has lead you to this...your family. I love you and miss you and still can't wait to see those pictures of Maya in your arms. We will be waiting not so patiently for those posts!!!

Hugs, kisses and lots of love...

Anonymous said...

You have been on my mind all day!! Can't wait to see those Pictures of the GIRL!!! Just a few more hours to go.
Love and Lots of Prayers,

granola girl said...

We're so excited for you!! Can't wait to see that little cutie!

Glad you're down to ticking off minutes until you hold your girl!!

Anonymous said...

Jill & Mike,

I am so excited for you all. I can't wait to see pictures. We are all counting down the hours here tonight at work...3 1/2 hours to go!!!