Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Bowl...with a Straw!

Maya has been doing a great job with feeding herself. She does best with these spoons with the big bowl-like scooper part if the food is liquid like soup or cold cereal (both of which she LOVES). I got a couple of these bowls with the straw attached. She thinks they are a blast to eat and drink out of. Each time I put her in her highchair and go to get out a bowl she says "staw! bowl!". She wants these silly bowls with the straw. She will eat every drop usually. She will give the spoon a rest sometime during the meal because it's just so much more fun and messy to eat with her hands.

I taught her to put the noodle-Os on her fingers...Maybe not the best idea but it sure is fun

I am getting better with the pony tails. This time I put them up while her hair was still wet from the shower. She likes to look at herself in the mirror and shake her head so the pony tails shake.

I remember my Mom telling me to get my hair out of my eyes when I was younger. I never knew why it bothered her until now. I am constantly pushing Maya's hair out of her face. I refuse to cut bangs though so we'll just have to keep using the little clipies.

Maya loves to scoot up under this big ottoman that we have and wait for us to say "where did Maya go?" Then she scoots out laughing her head off.

Last week we had another little friend at Busy Boppers. Gretel came to play. Gretel will be 1 year old in just a couple of days and she is a tinsy tiny little beauty. She had a great time playing with the big girls and we hope that she'll come back and play often.

Maya said her first sentence of sorts last week. My Mom asked Maya about a scratch on her hand (you can see it in the bowl pictures above). Maya pointed at the scratch and said "MeMe (Maggie our cat) mean!". It was too cute and now she says it every time she notices the scratch, which is nearly gone. She is also telling me "mean" when I tell her no. Oh boy, that defiant streak just gets bigger and bigger! I love toddler hood!!


Anonymous said...

How much cuter can this girl get? The tails are way too precious and that voice....
Chip & Amy

Kim said...

Love the pictures...
She gets cuter and cuter...
Love the bowl.. my older kids still use those...
Have a Wonderful Week..