Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Poll. Please Vote!

We have 2 options for a Halloween costume and they are both so darn cute that we can't decide which one to use for Trick or Treat night. Please post your vote in the comments section and help us make up our minds.
This is option #1, the cat (yes, cat. I know it looks like a mouse but she's supposed to be a cat) in action. Maya likes the cat but I'll have to admit, she's just a little biased.

Option #2 is this ladybug. We did Trick or Treat at our local farmers market on Thursday as the bug. It's a small market so I thought it would be a good first run. Maya loved it! She pointed and Ohhed at all of the little dressed up people. We have been practicing saying "Trick or Treat" for weeks now. She only said it once but did say "thank you" a couple of times. She carried her little candy bag over her arm and would hold it right out for people to put her candy in. It only took one time for her to get the hang of that move.

Ladybug in action.

Maya has become quite a nurturer. She loves to take care of her dolls and stuffed animals. She feeds and bathes them. She hugs and kisses them and has them give each other kisses too. Maya still loves to ride in her Baby Bjorn. She will bring it too me to put her in sometimes. She brought me the bear and was wearing the bjorn herself a few days ago. I had to make it fit so that bear could get a ride. She wore that thing for nearly a half an hour.

Check out the vintage Oshkosh bibs. These were my nieces when she was a tiny girl. That was more than 20 years ago. They nearly got too small before I got a chance to put them on Maya. As usual she looked just darlin' in them.

Have you ever seen anything as pitiful as this? Fisher had a hematoma on his left ear and had to have surgery to drain it on Wednesday. He was really playing the pathetic card when he got home.

The bandage stayed on for nearly 24 hours and then he became a beautiful flower. Heee Heee Heee! He was freaking out after the bandage came off and wouldn't stop scratching and shaking. So he got to wear this new version of the Elizabethan collar. This one was much easier on our shins and door facings than the old cone collars...and much more stylish, LOL.

Don't forget to let us know...ladybug or cat!! Thanks.


Kim said...

Love ALL the pictures...
Both of the costumes are darling...
She is adorable...
Growing like a weed...
Have a Great Weekend

granola girl said...

I'm voting cat because the ladybug is getting a little cliche. But honestly she looks adorable in both!!

I love her carrying around her bear! That is soo cute!!!

How weird is that about your dog's ear. Ours just went through the same thing about a month ago!! Her bandage lasted about 15 minutes and unfortunately they didn't give us a collar thing so it was terrible keeping her from it. Hope you guys have a better time of it.

Anonymous said...

2 votes for the cat! Of course, we see your dilemma. She is just beautiful in both.

Anonymous said...

Have to go with the ladybug!

Anonymous said...

No wonder you're having such a hard time deciding. They're both so cute!
I'd say if it's pretty cold out tomorrow night then let her wear the ladybug suit and if not then the kitty cat.
Poor Fisher's little ear. He's so pitiful.