Sunday, December 30, 2007
Christmas Catch Up
We went to my sisters on Christmas Eve and I didn't take one single picture (what was I thinking???) Then we came home and opened our presents. Santa made his big appearance Christmas morning and Maya was thrilled with her new play area with her "chichin" (kitchen) and other toys on the spongey alphabet floor. We went to my Mom's and my brother's on Christmas day and once again, no pics. We had a great holiday and are actually still trying to see everyone while they are in town. We are getting ready to make two more holiday stops today. Maybe I'll bust out the camera. Maybe.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!!
I had to post this picture! I just can't stop laughing when I look at it. I left it big so you can click on it and get a really good look at just how close Maya was to getting a big ol' kiss.
It doesn't get much closer than this.
And, I'm just wondering if anyone can tell me why in the world do tights have such a high waist?
Today also marks the day that we have had Maya for as long as she was in China without us. 10 months ago today, we were given the greatest gift. This Christmas we are so thankful that we have our sweet, sweet girl. We couldn't ask for anything more...Except for a sister...maybe.
Monday, December 10, 2007
The Christmas Card Revealed
Sunday, December 09, 2007
And then I pulled out the sled! We have a little hill in our back yard so we took a few trips down on the sled. But that only changed her attitude while we were sledding then right back to the grouchy face. I have to agree. Snow is only fun when your sliding on it (and not in your car!).
Fisher on the other hand, thought it was the best. He had to rub and rub and run and jump and bark and... well, you get the picture.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Christmas Card
We've been trying different outfits over the course of a few days and finally picked the winner (which I will post in a few days. I don't want to spoil the surprise for anyone who hasn't received their card yet.) Here are some of the contenders.
This outfit was a gift last year from Trisha, a friend at work. I am so glad that it still fits this year. We were on our way out to our local China adoption group's holiday get together.
I am a little disappointed that the winner doesn't have Fisher in the picture. After all, he is our first child. Oh well, maybe next year.
I'll offer this clue, this was the photo session that the winner was chosen from.
Little Miss Clause with her hat pulled down way too far according to Dad.
Taking all these pictures wears everyone out. Pardon the toys scattered everywhere. I tried to crop as many of them out as I could.
Just some cuteness in case you didn't get enough.
I hear "da bee, da bee, bzzzz, bzzzz" from the monitor. That means Maya is awake from her nap and she's playing with her bear, Flower. Flower has a butterfly on her head and Maya thinks any flying insect is a bee. Better go get my sweet sugar.
If you don't receive a card and think you should or would like to maybe I don't have your address. Send me an email and I'll hook you up.
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Little People Nativity
Christmas Crafts
A few years ago a ordered a book of Christmas recipes/decorations/gifts etc. My favorite idea in the book was these ornaments. They are made of a ball of foil with paper mache over it to make the shape of the face. I never dreamed that they would turn out they way they did since I'm not all that crafty and am certainly not a painter. I made more than 20 and gave them out as gifts. These are a few of the ones that I kept.
This is my favorite Santa in action (if you call hanging on a tree "action" LOL)
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Just When You Thought it Couldn't Get Worse
The girl loves a straw. Maya is a camel. She doesn't drink much at all throughout the day. She drinks a 7-8 oz cup of milk in the morning and I still give her an 8 oz bottle at night. But, if I give her a drink in a cup with a straw, she will drink at least some of it. If I put something in a sippy cup, forget it.
And now you see why I keep a hair clasp or a pony tail in her hair.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Veterans Day
Maya and I took fall flowers to the cemetery last week for my Dad and Grandparents. This old faded flag was lying at my Grandmother and Grandfathers plots and she thought it was a great toy.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
This was the first time we have been outside with a hat on since our first few days home from China. Maya was saying "hat" and pulling the top off of the jack-o-lantern.
Halloween Revisited
On Monday night (last week) we carved our big pumpkin and Maya helped color a face on a couple of small ones. Tuesday was the big Trick or Treat night. We packed Maya up in the wagon and pulled her around the neighborhood. She was a trooper and we're still eating her candy.
Our weekly visit to Busy Boppers brought much joy to Maya because her friend Emma came for the first time. The girls had a great time even though it was only the two of them.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween
Saturday, October 27, 2007
A Poll. Please Vote!
This is option #1, the cat (yes, cat. I know it looks like a mouse but she's supposed to be a cat) in action. Maya likes the cat but I'll have to admit, she's just a little biased.
Check out the vintage Oshkosh bibs. These were my nieces when she was a tiny girl. That was more than 20 years ago. They nearly got too small before I got a chance to put them on Maya. As usual she looked just darlin' in them.